“Back to village program” *237 panchayats visited by Gazetted Officers in for phases* People appreciated the initiative.
Publish Date : 02/07/2019
Doda, 27 June:
With the culmination of fourth and last phase of back to village program today 237 panchayats received Gazetted officers who stayed their for two day and one night
ended with hope and appreciation.
All the officers reported from their allotted panchayats in prescribed format both in hard and soft. The villagers and PRIs accorded warm welcome to the visiting officers.
The officers along with PRIs and villagers started their activities and visited different Government offices/institutions like schools, Anganwadi Centres, health institutions, veterinary institutions, Social welfare centers,ration depot’s etc.
They interacted with officials of PHE, Food Civil supplies and Consumer affairs, Agriculture, PWD, Patwaries, VLWs, GRS’s and other officials of the department’s.
They also interacted with the senior citizens and retired officers,womens, school children and officials and discussed the issues and challenges of the panchayats faced by them on routine basis which needs immediate improvement and attention from the government.
During the program the Visiting officers and gazetted Officers inaugrated various newly constructed assets of panchayats like Anganwadi centres, toilet complexes, pacca paths, parks, water springs, newly constructed PMAY houses etc.
Moreover various secretariat level officers visited the panchayats and performed the shramdhan and other activities along with villagers and PRIs.
During the last day of the last phase of the programme DDC Doda Dr Sagar D Doifode attended the garm sabha of womens at sinu Gandoh. While interacting with gram sabha various issues were raised by the participants infront of DDC regarding employment generation, payment of regular wages to Asha and Anganwadi workers, DDC Doda assured them that their genuine demands will be look after in a serious manner, meanwhile AD tourism Ambika Bali also interacted with the womens and assured them that with the enhnacement of tourism activities in the area will solve their unemployment issue, besides DDC DODA inaugrated mela at beer choo sinu and also executed new work under Shramdan worth rupees two lakh at beer choo water fall and also participated in the gram sabha during which various issues regarding PDD, education,pmgsy, tourism etc were raised, DDC paid patient hearing and onspot directions were passed to the concerned departments to resolve these issues with utmost priority, and also distributed solar lights to the beneficiaries during the program. SSP Doda, BDO kahara, BDO Jakyas, tehsildar Gandoh were also present during the visit of DDC DODA
Moreover it is pertinent to mention here that Additional secretary home Dr Shabir Ahmed keen who was the visiting officer at pranoo also concluded his visit and had taken into account various activities like interactions, inspection, inaugration in the assigned panchayat.![ddc](https://cdn.s3waas.gov.in/s3dc6a70712a252123c40d2adba6a11d84/uploads/2019/07/2019070165-300x240.jpg)