*P K Pole reviews FCS&CA Deptt’s functioning of District Doda and Kishtiwar at Doda*
Publish Date : 17/09/2019
DODA, AUGUST 03: Secretary Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCS&CA), P K Pole on Friday convened a meeting of officials to review the functioning of department.
DC Doda Dr Sagar D Doifode, Director FCS&CA, Jatinder Singh;Assistant Directors FCS&CA Doda and Kishtiwar, TSOs and various other officials attended the meeting.
On the occasion, Secretary was briefed about the public distribution mechanism of food grains including allocation, availability and distribution. He was also informed through a multimedia presentation about the status of ration cards, sale centres and godowns in the district.
While reviewing the adhaar seeding of beneficiaries and ration cards, Secretary told that as per the previous fixed targets progress is too low,in respect of both the district’s and shall be speed up otherwise disciplinary action will be initiated against the low performing employees.
He asked the Director to fix the monthly targets at TSO level and TSO’s will further fix the target at fair price shops level which needs to be monitored and reviewed after every two weeks.
He told the participants if any dealer is not extending their support in achieving the 100% achievement,start disciplinary process against him immediately.
Besides directed them to print pamphlets in and display at each FPS for the information of those beneficiaries who have not yet provided their adhaar number to get seeded,otherwise their ration supply will be put on hold immediately.
The Secretary stressed for Aadhaar enrolment of every consumer and directs for completion of Aadhaar seeding of ration cards by October ending. He also instructed the officials to stress on POS based authentication and Aadhaar authentication transactions.
While highlighting the significance of Aadhar seeding, Secretary said it will streamline the public distribution system in the district.
Moreover he has directed the concerned authorities to maintain the record of all the grievances and their disposal,besides to maintain separately all the grievances coming from DGRO which is DC of the respective districts and action taken report of those grievances shall be submitted to his office on monthly basis.
Further he ask the DC to frame a committee at district level which will review the actual position of the deteriorated stock and report shall be submitted to his office within the stipulated time.
He also directed the concerned officials to ensure adequate supply of commodities at every sale centre for the public convenience.