_Jan Abhiyan_ *DDC Doda called the meeting of BDO’s* _Directs to Complete the 2 works each from B2V-1 and B2V-2 before the commencement of the 3rd phase of B2V program_
Publish Date : 24/09/2020

Doda, September 10:
Complete the two proposed works each from B2V-1 and B2V-2 in all Panchayats across the district well before the commencement of the 3rd phase of the ambitious flagship program of the Govt of J&K i.e “Back to Village”.
The statement was made by the District Development Commissioner Doda Dr Sagar D Doifode while chairing the meeting of the BDO’s of Rural Development Department.
While stating the importance of the Unnat Gram Abhiyan, DDC directed the BDO’s to ensure that majority of the identified works from 14th FC and Mgnrega shall be expedited during these 21 days and shall be completed by or before 1st of October 2020.
Regarding Block Diwas, DDC Informed them that on every consecutive Wednesday i.e on 16,23 & 30 September 2020, Block Diwas will be celebrated at every block at designated locations, in which all the line departments will participate and shall deliver their designated services to the general public and shall also resolve their issues on priority basis.
In this regard DDC directed the BDO’s to ensure in co-ordination with the Tehsildars that each and every designated Officer and field level functionary shall take part in the Block Diwas without any fail and also directed them to maintain grievance register which will be raised by the people during the Block Diwas on priority basis.
DDC exhorted upon the concerned to work in coordination to make this Jan Abhiyan campaign a great success which inturn will lead to the success of the 3rd phase of Back to Village program which is scheduled to be held from 2nd of October 2020 upto 12 October.
ADC Doda Kishori Lal Sharma, BDO’s and representative’s of various blocks also attended the meeting.