*DDC Doda directs line departments to gear up for Jan Abhiyan, B2V 3 program* _Directs to complete two proposed works each from B2V-1 and B2V-2 program before the commencement of the 3rd phase of B2V-3_ *Stressed to lay more focus on service delivery and grievance redressal at the grassroot level*
Publish Date : 24/09/2020

Doda September 09:
District Development Commissioner, Doda Dr Sagar D Doifode today asked the line departments to gear up for effective implementation for Jan Abhiyan and Back to Village phase 3 program.
He was chairing a meeting of District officers to discuss the preparedness for the twin campaigns specifically for Jan Abhiyan which aimed at reaching out to the public for redressal of their grievances and addressing developmental issues.
The meeting was attended by ADC Doda, ADC Bhaderwah, CPO Doda,CEO BDA, ACR Doda, SDM’S,GM DIC besides other district officer of different line departments.
The District Development Commissioner, informed that the precluding the B2V-III, a grassroots level inclusive programme ‘JAN ABHIYAN is commencing from Sept 10 in the district till 1st October 2020. “This programme has 3 components viz ‘Jan Sunvayi’, Jan Adhikar Abhiyan and Unnat Gram Abhiyan” he said and added that on each consecutive Wednesday till October 1, 2020, Block Divas/Yaum-e-block would be held across the district in all Seventeen blocks at the designated locations to listen the public issues and redressal of the same.
The District Development Commissioner said that he will visit each and every designated location during the Jan Abhiyan on every Wednesday and strictly directed the officers that their frontline functionaries shall remain present at the designated place without any fail.
Moreover he also directed the District and Sectoral officer’s to remain present in their offices except on Wednesday to listen the public grievances in their office complex from 12 PM to 2 PM on each day. He said the B2V- phase III would start from October 2, 2020 and last for ten days.
Commenting upon the Block Diwas DDC directed that each department will install a seperate counter at the designated location,which will highlight the name of the department,list of the schemes run by them, will depute the official not below the rank of Block level,adding to this also directed the SDM’s to ensure that each and every department has placed their stall and shall also ensure the presence of the employees during the Block Diwas.
Regarding Jan Sunvayi DDC directed the concerned to maintain the register of grievances, besides to ensure that grievance shall be redressed on spot.He informed that a seperate format for grievances has been devised by the administration which shall be filled by the concerned without any fail and also directed to submit the same on weekly basis in the designated grievance cell.
Regarding Unnat Gram Abhiyan, DDC directed the district and sectoral officer’s to direct their field functionaries to remain present in their respective jurisdictions,shall inspect the ongoing works under different sectors, besides directed to take up two proposed works from the earlier B2V and shall complete the works before the commencement of the 3rd phase, without waiting for the approval.
He also stressed the district and sectoral officer’s to ensure 100% delivery of services at the grassroot level under Jan Adhikar Abhiyan, besides officer’s were also breifed about the services which can be delivered at the doorstep of the beneficiary during the Jan Abhiyan, besides directed to submit the report to the DDC office regularly through the devised format.He also said that after the culmination of the Jan Abhiyan the performance of each and every department will be assessed on the basis of the services delivered at the grassroot level during the Jan Abhiyan.
The District development commissioner exhorted upon all the officer to work in close coordination and adopt a result oriented approach towards addressing the genuine public grievances. All the action taken reports shall be submitted to his office regularly, he added.
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