*Overwhelming response continues during the 2nd “Block Diwas” across the 17 blocks of District Doda* _Prompt, hassle free public service delivery fundamental objective of Jan Abhiyan: DDC Doda_ *DDC Visited four Blocks,handed over the revenue papers of the State land for the construction of BDC office,ST hostel,and Police Post at Kahara,Also laid foundation stone of TRC and inaugrated Govt Library at Thathri* _Also inaugrated fully equipped ICU facility at Trauma hospital Thathri with 5 ventilators and 2 cardiac monitor’s to effectively deal with Covid-19 cases_
Publish Date : 24/09/2020

Doda, September 23:
The Jan Abhiyan program launched by the Government of J&K UT for the prompt redressal of the public grievances and to ensure hassle free service delivery at the doorstep of the beneficiary is recieving overwhelming response across the district as the locals of the different areas have shown immense response by actively participating in the 2nd Block Diwas celebration program held in all Seventeen blocks of the district today.
In this regard,the DDC Doda Dr Sagar D Doifode today visited and participated in the Awami Muhim program at 4 blocks namely Kahara, Thathri,Gundna and Ghat Block.
During the visit at Kahara,the DDC fulfilled the long pending demands of the locals of the area and handed over the revenue papers of the land which has been transferred to the concerned for the construction of ST hostel, besides handed over the land papers for the construction of BDC office to the BDC Chairperson and also handed over the land papers for the construction of Police post at kahara to the ASP Bhaderwah.
The DDC also interacted with the locals and paid patient hearing to their grievances and assured them their timely disposal, besides locals also appreciated the persistence efforts of District Administration for effective management of Covid-19 in the district.
During the visit to the Thathri block,the DDC laid foundation stone of the TRC at Bairshalla thus fulfilling the long pending demand of the locals to promote the area as main tourist attraction, besides inaugrated the library which was in shambles from tha long time, has been re- established in the premises of the Municipal Committee and dedicated to the youth of the area.
The DDC also handed over the power tillers to the beneficiaries provided by the horticulture department on subsidy basis, besides also visited the Trauma centre Thathri wherein he inaugrated the ICU facility set-up with 5 ventilators and 2 cardiac monitor’s to effectively deal the Covid-19 cases,responding the need of the hour.
The DDC during the visit to the blocks also inspected the stalls established by the different departments highlighting the various individual benefit scheme, besides also took stock of the grievances disposed off onspot by the concerned department,the services being provided to the people and also reviewed the documentation of the grievances by the concerned.
It has been informed to the DDC by the designated Officers/officials that.majority of the grievances are resolved on spot, besides rest are documented under the devised format and will be send to the concerned authorities for their timely redressal.
While speaking on the occasion,the DDC said that Prompt, hassle free public service delivery is the main fundamental objective of the Jan Abhiyan/Awami Muhim.
He said that it was long pending demand of the general public that field functionaries are not available many times in the field,thus enhancing the suffering of the people and affecting the service delivery system also.
In response to this demand,the Govt of J&K UT ahead of B2V-3 decided to celebrate 21 day long Jan Abhiyan in all the panchayats so that not only the public grievances shall be listened but also redressed on spot, besides directed to ensure the services shall be provided to the people at their doorstep without any fail.
He said that almost in all the panchayats the proposed work of B2V-1 are completed and those pending in some Panchayats are already being taken up, besides Informed that govt has already accorded sanction of 10 lacs to each panchayat for the completion of the B2V works.
At Mohalla Tehsil of Gundna block the DDC was informed by the JPDCL that almost 700 rotten wooden poles are going to be replaced in the upcoming days,thus it can be said that Jan Abhiyan is delivering in the far flung areas, DDC added.
Meanwhile during,the second Block Diwas at many designated locations the concerned Officers/officials of revenue department also distributed the domicile, income,and different category Certificates among the beneficiaries,police department also distributed birth and character certificates at Thathri, agriculture department distributed soil health cards and sponsored the KCC cases and registered the beneficiaries under PM kissan on spot,Ayush department is distributing immunity booster medicines among the locals, besides the names of various leftout beneficiaries were recorded by various departments dealing in individual benefit schemes such as social welfare,banks, fisheries, ICDS, health etc.
The DDC also directed the health department to expedite the process of enrollment under Ayushman Bharat, besides directed the Animal husbandry to achieve 100% targets under Artificial insemination by going door to door during the Jan Abhiyan program.
The DDC directed all the officers/frontline functionaries to make concerted efforts for ensuring the prompt response to the grievances, besides asked them to go door to door in their designated areas and generate more awareness regarding individual benefit schemes and also to inspect the ongoing developmental works in the rural areas implemented by the various departments.
The DDC also appealed the general public to follow the necessary instructions regarding the preventive measures of Covid-19, besides asked them to extend cooperation with the administration in it’s fight against Covid-19 pandemic.
Other’s accompanying the DDC during the visit are BDC’s,ASP Bhaderwah,SDM Thathri, President MC Thathri, Tehsildars, Sarpanches, Panches, BDO’S besides other concerned officials.