*Amid inclement weather conditions Weekly Block Diwas held at Doda* _Various individual benefit services including Domicile and Category Certificates distributed among the beneficiaries_
Publish Date : 22/02/2021

Doda, January 06:
The Block Diwas is being continuously conducted for redressal of public grievances on every Wednesday in Doda district which witnessed active participation of locals from various areas of the District.
The entire program was held under the supervision of District Development Commissioner(DDC) Dr Sagar D Doifode.
Block events were held at designated locations, where the teams of Different departments along with the frontline field functionaries on every Wednesday delivered varied service to the people and listened to their grievances.
As many as 71 grievances/applications were recieved during the program,all of which were redressed by the officer’s/officials of respective departments on spot on priority basis, besides several services which includes 11 category certificates, 166 Domicile certificates, besides 25 different revenue papers were provided to the people on spot.
Adding to this 57 students were also covered under scholarship scheme, besides 33 ration cards were seeded during the program.
It is pertinent to mention here that 341 new works under different heads which includes Mgnrega,14th FC,Capex and CSS also started in different areas of the district.
All the concerned Officers attended the block diwas to take the appraisal about the grievances raised by the people and services being provided to them during the program.