*DDC inspected transformer repair workshop at Grid station Doda,took stock of the functioning* _Appreciated the efforts of ground level staff for working tirelessly amid harsh winters_
Publish Date : 22/02/2021

Doda,January 12:
District Development Commissioner Doda Dr Sagar D Doifode, visited transformer repair workshop at Grid station Doda,and took the first hand appraisal about the functioning of the institution.
During the visit,the DDC sought information regarding the number of transformers being repaired by the officials till now, besides reviewed the entries in the day book maintained by the concerned officials.
The concerned AEE and JE apprised the DDC about the entire process/time taken to repair the damaged transformer, besides Informed that in areas pertaining to the institution i.e in rural areas maximum three days are required to replace the transformer in comparison to the urban area i.e Doda town,which only required maximum one day.
Further the AEE said that amid harsh winters and to ensure the timely replacement of the damaged transformers,the officials are also making extra efforts, working in over time so that the people’s convenience shall not be compromised.
The DDC appreciated the efforts of the ground level staff for working tirelessly so that the people shall not suffered especially amid harsh winters, besides asked them to keep up the good work so that timely delivery of services shall be rendered to the people of the Doda.
Moreover DDC also urged the people across the district to make judicious use of the electricity and refrain from illegal practices so that scheduled power supply shall be ensured in uninterrupted manner.