*DLRC meet held at Doda* _Farmers welfare and Atmanirbhar Bharat is the top priority of the Govt requires special focus,Also directs to expedite progress under Priority sector lending_(DDC) *DDC constitutes District Empowered Committee for regular reviews of PMEGP scheme in the district*
Publish Date : 22/02/2021

Doda,February 18:
The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Doda, Dr Sagar D Doifode today chaired District Level Review Committee (DLRC) meeting here to review the performance of Banks and line depts. during Current Financial Year (CFY), up to December 31, 2020 under Annual Credit Plan and other Govt schemes.
At the outset the DDC reviewed the implementation of the previous meeting directions with regard to opening of new branches at Chilli Pingal,Dali Udhyanpur and Chirala,for which the LBM apprised the DDC that at Chilli Pingal one man unit of both JK and SBI bank is already operational having both deposit and withdrawal facility, besides at Dali Udhyanpur and Chirala new units will be set up in the new financial year.
Further DPO Doda was directed to engage PRI members to motivate people to avail the facility of the banking at the respective areas.
The LBM also apprised the DDC that as per the directions of the last review meeting regarding improvement in priority sector lending to more than 50% by all the banks, the district has achieved around 60%, the DDC directed all the banks to expedite the progress and to achieve 100% target by the end of the current financial year without any fail.
While reviewing the implementation of PMEGP scheme the DDC assessed that there is high gap between cases sponsored , sanctioned and disbursed, for which the DDC directed all the banks to speed up the process of disbursement and to achieve 100% targets within 5 days as the PMEGP is the major employment generation scheme for unemployed youth.
Moreover the DDC also constituted the District Empowered Committee with ADDC Doda its Chairman and GM DIC its member secretary alongwith other members from banks to daily monitor the progress under PMEGP.
With regard to Disbursement in KCC,the DDC has been apprised that about 69235 sponsored cases,61348 cases have been sanctioned by various banks for which an amount of Rs 106.95 Cr against 56663 cases has been disbursed.
The DDC complimented the efforts of Agriculture department, and directed the ADDC Doda to evaluate a fact finding report alongwith other concerned officials with regard to the high rate of rejection of Sponsored cases by JK bank.
The DDC Informed that Farmers welfare and Atmanirbhar Bharat is the top priority of the Govt which requires special attention from the banks as well as from the line departments.
While reviewing the functioning of RSETI institute,the Director RSETI apprised the DDC that as of now the institute is working in a rented building, and the land for the institute has been identified and work on approach road is under progress.
The DDC directed the concerned to call the team within 5 days to conduct the field visit, besides asked them to co-ordinate with ADC Doda for the preparation of revenue documents.
Regarding financial awareness programs,the DDC directed the LBM to formulate a comprehensive schedule of the banks and to submit in the DC office, and to direct the concerned to participate in the Block Diwas at the designated locations on every Wednesday without any fail.
With regard to the approval of DCP for the next financial year, the DDC directed the concerned to augment the figures by 25% in Agriculture Infrastructure and by 15% in Ancillary activities, besides directed the concerned authorities of agriculture, animal husbandry and poultry department to submit the 5 proposals each for agriculture Infrastructure and feed fodder scheme so that they shall be sanctioned by the banks under current financial year positively.
Among others present in the meeting are ADDC Doda Surat Singh, GM DIC Khalid Malik, CPO Doda Parshotam Kumar, DIO Doda, LBM besides other Officers of line department’s and various banks.
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