*SWD organises awareness cum aid distribution camp at Bhaderwah* _Around 65 assistive devices distributed among beneficiaries provided by ALIMCO_
Publish Date : 24/02/2021

An awareness cum Distribution camp was today organised by Social Welfare Department Doda in collaboration with Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO), here at Community Hall Bhaderwah.
DDC member Bhaderwah West Sh Yudhvir Singh Thakur, Tehsildar Bhaderwah Zeeshan Tahir, DSWO Doda Zubair Ahmed,Vice President MC Bhaderwah Bhaderwah Rishi Kotwal,TSWO Subash kotwal,Tehsil President handicap association Bhaderwah Niaz Ahmed,Experts from ALIMCO, besides PRI members were also present at Community Hall Bhaderwah.
During the camp, awareness was generated among the public regarding various welfare schemes being implemented by the department, namely Integrated social security pension scheme, National social assistance programme, Rehabilitation council for the victims of militancy, Prosthetic Aid, Homes for the destitute and orphans, Pre and Post matric scholarship scheme, Training programme SMAS (Sate Marriage Assistant Scheme), Pension for persons with disability, etc.
In the camp, around 65 different Assistive Devices such as Wheel Chairs, Hearing Machines, Crutches, Clippers, Tricycle, Android phone to visually impaired and Sticks were distributed among the Specially Abled persons by ALIMCO at Community Hall Bhaderwah.
Speaking on the occasion,the DSWO informed that the ALIMCO provided the assistive aid to the PWD’s of the area after conducting an detailed assessment.He said that similar assessment camps are being organized by the ALIMCO, in coordination with Social Welfare Department Doda, in other areas in the upcoming days and asked the PRIs to aware the beneficiaries about the same so that maximum beneficiaries shall be benefited.
Adding to this,the DSWO also explained the procedure for availing the benefits of various schemes run by Social welfare Department.