*DC Doda chaired weekly Block diwas program at Bhaderwah* _Met scores of deputations, listened to their grievances,distributed Domicile Certificates_ *Directs all Line departments to ensure viable efforts to resolve the public grievances on priority*
Publish Date : 01/04/2021

Doda,March 31:
Continuing its efforts to redress the grievances of the public at their doorstep,the DC Doda Vikas Sharma today held a grievance redressal camp at Dak bungalow Bhaderwah under the ongoing weekly Block diwas celebrations.
Among others present during the program are DDC Chairperson Doda Sh Dhananter Singh Kotwal,BDC Chairperson Bhaderwah Omi Chand, ADC Bhaderwah Rakesh Kumar, SP operations Doda Raj Kumar, Tehsildar Bhaderwah Zeeshan Tahir, BDO Bhaderwah & Bhalla, CAO Doda, DSWO Doda, besides PRI members, officers/officials of various departments and locals of the area.
During the program various deputations met with the DC Doda which includes Sanatan Dharm Sabha, Councillors of MC Bhaderwah, Sarpanches of various panchayats, Representatives of various political parties, locals, who highlighted various issues of public importance for immediate redressal i.e restoration of defunct khuls, speedy work execution of Seri Bazar, electricity supply and internet connectivity at Jai tourist spot, filling of pot holes in appropriate manner, establishment/identification of parking sites within the vicinity of municipality, repairement of monda road, fool proof and advance arrangements for upcoming religious festivals, curtailment in unscheduled power cuts especially during the holy month of Ramadan etc.
The DC while speaking on the occasion assured that all the genuine grievances of the public will be redressed on priority basis, besides asked the ADC Bhaderwah to make an inventory of all the grievances and review them on monthly basis so that all the issues shall be redressed without any delay.
The DC further Informed that all the grievances of his competence shall be taken into account on priority, and the grievances of Govt level shall be immediately forwarded to the concerned authorities for appropriate and timely response.
The DC directed all the officers of line departments to flash their mobile phones numbers on the notice board so that the people can communicate their grievances, besides directed them to ensure viable efforts for the onspot redressal of the public grievances.
Terming the weekly Block diwas program a great platform to adress the issues of the people at the doorstep, the DC urged all the locals to actively participate in this noble program.
Meanwhile the DC also urged the people to follow all the necessary guidelines issued by the Govt/ District Administration with regard to Covid-19, besides appeal all the religious clerics to give awareness about the safety measures from their respective forums to mitigate the recent surge of the virus across the district.
The DC also distributed Domicile certificates among beneficiaries, and also visited the Seri bazar and directed the executing agency to complete the work under the fixed timeline.
Similar program were also held at Doda, Sub division Assar, Thathri and Gandoh, wherein the officers attended the program and listened to the grievances of the general public.