Promoting adventure tourism: 2 day Bike rally concludes at Bhadarwah

BHADERWAH, APRIL 12: A bike rally comprising 24 local bikers which began on April 10 with a theme ‘Learn to Live with COVID-19, after covering 160 KM hilly roads to Bhalessa region via famous tourist spot Jaie Valley, concluded today.
The rally had another mission of exploring new adventure destinations of tourist interest.
The rally was organised by Tourism Department, Bhaderwah Development Authority (BDA) in collaboration with ‘Camp and Hike’ in strict adherence to the Covid SOPs. It was flagged off by CEO Bhaderwah Development Authority (BDA) Rajinder Prasad Khajuria along with SP Bhaderwah Raj Singh Gouria and President Bhaderwah Municipal Committee Dr Shahid Mughal from Tourist Reception Centre Sarna.
The bike rally was primarily aimed at to encourage visitors as well as locals to participate in outdoor adventure activities, while adopting precautionary measures and to make them understand to learn to live with COVID-19, while carrying on with routine activities.
After passing through enchanting locations via Jaie Valley, a famous tourist spot, the rally had a night halt at Gundoh.
“The bikers safely reached Bhadarwah and were received by officers of concerned departments at Telli Garh Bhadarwah where a grand reception was hosted to honour the participants” the officials said.
President MC Bhadarwah Dr. Shahid Mughal, was the Chief Guest and ADC Bhadarwah, Rakesh Kumar was the Guest of Honor. They presented mementos to the participants along with certificates of participation and appreciation.
The program concluded with the address of CEO, BDA, Rajinder Khajuria. He hoped that the rally will help in promoting the untapped and unexplored adventure tourism potential of Chenab region especially that of virgin Bhaderwah-Bhalessa circuit.
“In view of the second wave of COVID-19, we have formed a strategy to carry on with our efforts to attract tourists, especially adventure enthusiasts and encourage locals as well as visitors to learn to live with Corona”, the CEO added.
He also thanked District Administration for making this event successful. He also thanked the administration of sub division Gundoh and Thathri for the cooperation they extended in making the rally a grand success.
He further added that more such events will be hosted in the future to explore the tourism potential of the whole Chenab Valley with the cooperation of District Administration.