*SDM Gandoh inspected PWD roads amid heavy rainfall* _Directs concerned to repair the motorable bridge at Bhatyas, to start the restoration of other damaged roads on priority_
Publish Date : 17/04/2021

Doda,April 17:
The Sub Divisional Magistrate Gandoh Dr Pritam Lal Thapa today inspected many PWD roads and bridges in various areas of the sub division.
During the inspection the SDM directed the concerned to repair the damaged bridge on Thathri-Kilhotran road near Bhatyas on priority, besides asked them to restore the roads got damaged due to ongoing heavy rainfall.
The SDM directed the concerned to keep their men and machinery in readiness, besides directed that the restoration shall start on all roads so that the daily commuters shall not face any inconvenience and hassle free supply of essential commodities shall also be ensured simultaneously.