*ACD Doda convened Co-ordination meet of BDC Chairpersons and Line departments through Google meet* _Modalities for formulation of Block Development Plans discussed_
Publish Date : 06/05/2021

Doda,May 05:
In order to further strengthen the grassroot level planning in coordination with newly established Panchayati Raj institutions, Assistant Commissioner Development Doda, Mohd Idrees Lone (KAS) today convened coordination meet of BDC Chairpersons alongwith Officers of various line departments through Google meet.
During the virtual meet the ACD Doda briefed about the formulation of Block Development Plans in co-ordination with line departments, besides apprised about the allocation of funds i.e 25 lacs earmarked for each BDC.
The ACD Doda asked all the BDC Chairpersons and line departments to lay special focus on those works which are not covered under the routine schemes of the respective departments, besides asked them to project the works which would community oriented and which shall explore the employment avenues for the people of their respective areas.
Various officers highlighted the various activities which shall be taken into account while formulation of the plans, besides ACD asked them to submit the same plans by ir before 8th of May so that it shall be sent to the concerned authorities.
All BDC Chairpersons, besides officer’s of line department’s of engineering and general departments participated in the meeting.