*Dedicated,Continuous efforts and Countless hours of day and night working by multi-specialised District Covid team since last year is the foundation for the effective Covid containment management in the Doda district*
Publish Date : 18/05/2021

Doda,May 17:
In these difficult times, when the world as a whole is locked up inside the homes and life has come to a still there are few, who on the call of their duty and sense of responsibility are sleeves up for this war against an unseen enemy, called as Corona Warriors.
It has been now more than one year as the entire nation including UT of J&K is fighting tirelessly day and night against the scare caused by the deadly virus named as Covid-19 to safeguard its people besides to curb its spread.
Similarly in District Doda various measures and initiatives have been taken into account by the District Administration to tackle the situation in effective and efficient way and the composition and constitution of District Covid team/cell is playing one of the important role in the ongoing process.
Since last year,the District Covid team headed by Epidemiologist Umar Anayat khan which also includes BMEO Mashhood Zargar, Faizan Ali Tramboo MMPHW (Distt. Media Coordinator) of Ghat Block and Umar Mughal (DEO) from CMO Office Doda are working day and night without any break of a single day in managing the Covid-19 and its related affairs on daily basis.
The team is also one of the core group of the district covid task force and are working in coordination with the same to chalk out the framework and measures which are implemented at the grassroot level on routine basis to ensure that each and every individual of the district shall be safeguarded amid this Covid-19 pandemic scare.
The data management which includes daily COVID-19 bulletin, daily reporting on vaccination,testing, status of positive cases,home isolation, surveillance, identification of potential hotspots, framing of SOP’s, imparting training to the field functionaries, dissemination of accurate information, addressing grievances of COVID-19 patients/general public, guiding people regarding the do’s and dont’s and preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 etc are the day to day affairs of the team which they are performing right from the beginning till now in dedicated manner without any single day break.
Adding to this when there were shortage of qualified staff to perform testing of people on large scale during last year, the members of the team voluntarily came forward and acquainted themselves regarding conduct of testing in proper manner and after that performed testing and have conducted around 2000 RAT tests till now in town areas besides in far off village’s of the district.
It is pertinent to mention here that the head of the team Epidemiologist Umar Anayat khan was also felicitated received the award of Covid warrior by the Hon’ble LG last year at Srinagar, besides the other members were also felicitated by the Divisional and District Administration for their selfless service amid Coronavirus threat.
Thousands of health workers have already lost their precious lives to the pandemic world wide. The pandemic has also placed enormous psychological stress on all frontline workers. It is the time we recognise their contribution and play our part in fight against the coronavirus pandemic by rendering support to those on the frontier.