*DC Doda inspected 5 bedded Covid Care facilities established at Nichlathara and Drudhu panchayats of Bhaderwah* _Says Deployment of staff with necessary medical equipments ensured in all 237 Covid care cum isolation Centres established at Panchayat levels for proper functioning_
Publish Date : 04/06/2021

Doda,June 03:
Acting upon the directions of Hon’ble LG,and as a precautionary measure to ensure the timely treatment of the Covid patients, the district administration has established 05 bedded Covid care cum isolation Centers across all 237 panchayats of the district.
In this regard, the DDC Doda Vikas Sharma today held physical inspection of the facilities at Nichlathara and Drudhu panchayat respectively, besides enquired about the availability of staff as well as other necessary equipments and medicines required for the smooth functioning of the Covid Care cum isolation Centres.
The DDC while speaking on the occasion informed that the move has been scaled up to decentralise the health care facilities amid Coronavirus threat, besides to provide the isolation facilities to the people who shall be lacking the facilities in their own house especially in the rural areas.
The DDC said that panchayat level covid management teams have also been constituted which includes Sarpanch, Panches, Secretary panchayat, Asha, Anganwadi workers etc for the smooth functioning of the isolation Centres, besides pulse oximeters, thermometers, oxygen cylinders, medicine kits and other required stuff have been provided for the better care of the people who shall be kept in these facilities in the upcoming days.
He further says the Committee shall also identify the potential and suspected cases by way of conducting testing in their respective areas so that the precious lives can be safeguarded by the early intervention of the medical department, besides awareness can also be generated about the preventive measures.
Among others present during the inspection are ADC Bhaderwah, BMO Bhaderwah, BDO Bhaderwah besides other concerned officials of different departments.