*DC interacted with media on Covid-19 scenario, Says positivity rate has come down in the district.* _Developmental activities have been thrown open with strict observance of Covid-19 appropriate behaviour._ *ASHA and Anganwadi workers are being trained to conduct RAT test through out the District- DC*
Publish Date : 05/06/2021

Doda, June, 4; DC Doda Vikas Sharma interacted with media in his office complex at Doda regarding Covid-19 scenario, and situation after ease in restrictions in the district.
He said that he is satisfied with the management and functioning of Panchayat level Covid care centres in the district.
He also informed that ASHA & Anganwadi workers are being trained for conducting Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) in all the villages of the district.
Regarding ease in restrictions he informed that limited economic activities have been allowed with strict observance of Covid-19 appropriate behaviour. Authorities have heen directed to implement the SOPs with iron hand.
He cleared out that developmental activities have been thrown open with strict directions to follow Covid SOPs and responsibilities have been fixed for any violation in this regard.
He further informed that 750LPM Oxygen Generation Plant at GMC is being further augmented with another 750 LPM plant, which is expected to be commissioned soon.
DPRs have been prepared for similar oxygen generation plants for Gandoh and Bhaderwah also.
While speaking on the trend in positive cases, he informed that positivity rate has declined and at present there are 1097 active cases out which only 35 are in hospitals at Doda and Bhaderwah.
He appealed the public of age 45 and above to come out for vaccination. He informed that administration is ready to make special vaccination both where from demand arises out of general public or from public representatives