*DPC Doda approves district plan of Rs. 76060.78 lacs for 2021-22*
Publish Date : 09/06/2021

Doda,June 09:
A meeting of District Planning Council (DPC) members was held yesterday evening here at Conference hall of DC office Doda for approval of the district plan for the year 2021-22.
The meeting was attended by District Development Council Chairperson, Dhananter Singh Kotwal, Vice Chairperson, Sangeeta Rani Bhagat and other PRI members.
Besides DC Doda Vikas Sharma, ADDC Mohammad Hanief Malik, CPO, ACD, ACP, Ex. Engineers and other concerned officers participated in the meeting.
During the proceedings proposal for approval of District Plan for year 2021-22 was laid for approval and District Planning Committee approved the Plan of Rs. 76060.78 lacs for year 2021-22 which includes UT component 1010.55 lacs, loan component 2648.68 lacs and Central share 58658.08 lacs, which will set impetus to developmental scenario of the district.
It was given out that under PRI grants, Rs 23.30 Lakhs shall be allocated per Panchayat, Rs 25 lakhs per Block for Block Development Councils and Rs 10 Crore grants for District Development Councils that shall be made part of Capex in addition to other sectors.
During the meeting, the Chairman DDC exhorted the officers to take the development on mission mode basis so that its fruition is cherished by the general public.