_Malafide intentions of Ex Sarpanch Batoli suppressed_ *Concerted efforts of RDD and Revenue department removed illegal construction on under construction CFC building at Batoli Gandoh.*
Publish Date : 15/07/2021

Doda, July,08 :- Going tough on encroachers,under the supervision of SDM Gandoh, Pritam Lal Thapa demolished illegal construction of 1st floor on Common Facilitation Centre (CFC) Batoli, of Block Chilly Pingal Gandoh.
The matter was brought to the notice of SDM by BDO Chilly Pingal under the directions of ACD Doda Idrees Lone on 6th July 2021. On the same day SDM issued directions to Tehsildar Gandoh, BDO Chilly Pingal and SDPO Gandoh to get the structure demolished which was being illegally raised by the Ex Sarpanch.
It is pertinent to mention here that the building in under construction in Model Village Batholi on which expenditure stand done by RDD. The work on the said building was also executed by same Ex Sarpanch Batoli.
The land for the said building was donated by Mir Qasim S/O Karim Baksh of Batholi.
BDO Chilly Pingal vide his letter no BDO/CP/2021-22/172-73 dated 06.07.2021 brought the issue to the notice of SDM Gandoh and ACD Doda, that one Ex Sarpanch is illegally raising the walls of 1st floor on CFC Batoli even when the roof of ground floor is not laid yet. Also Ex Sarpanch was reported of saying that he is working under legal contract for the RDD, whereas RDD has not issued any such contract to him.
Therefore, the structure being raised on malafide intention by said Ex Sarpanch was erased on 7th July 2021 and he was warned not to encroach the government land/property and was told that strict legal action shall be taken if he makes any future encroachment on the spot or elsewhere.