*DDC Doda tours Thathri Sub division* _Met BDC chairpersons, DDC members, President & members of MC Thathri, & 45 other deputations._ *Suspends an Engineer and GRS ; asks public officials to be available for prompt public grievances redressal*
Publish Date : 29/07/2021

Doda,July 26:
District Development Commissioner (DDC) Doda,Vikas Sharma today made holistic tour to Sub division Thathri, met BDC Chairpersons, DDC members, President and Councillors of MC Thathri, representatives of various political parties, social activists, civil society members, religious heads and general public.
He also took review of all the line departments in Sub divison Thathri along with SDM Thathri Athar AminZargar also.
Threadbare discussion was held during the meetings with regard to various issues/works pertaining to various departments like PWD, PHE, PDD, Degree College, tourism, traffic congestion in the town etc. He gave patient listening to all the issues and assured that the administration shall be committed in resolution of all genuine issues put forth on priority.
On the issue of degree college DDC directed the concerned committee to settle the issue in a weeks time positively.
He directed the concerned to submit DPR for construction of 3 km (Approx) road from Amrit Garh to Jantroon Dhar so that the famous Jantroon Dhar meadows can be brought into the tourism map.
On the issue of Sub division of PDD, PHE and R&B which are run from Kishtwar District and is the main administrative inconvenience of the Sub division, DDC directed the SDM to submit a proposal in this regard so that same can be brought into notice of higher authorities.
DDC also relieved AEE Jal shakti from additional charges of Dachhan area and Xen Jal Shakti was asked to allocate charge of Kishtwar area he was handling to some other AEE.
He also ordered for suspension of an engineer for unauthorised absence from duties, and warned public officials to remain punctual in their legitimate duties.
He appealed public to observe Covid-19 Appropriate behaviour and follow all SOPs as this pendamic is not over yet and needs collective efforts to fight and defeat this deadly virus.