*Model Anti Rabies clinic made operational in Government Medical College, Doda* _Second centre in Jammu Division apart from GMC Jammu, to extend animal bite services._
Publish Date : 03/07/2021

Doda, July 03, Model Anti Rabies clinic ( Animal Bite clinic) has been made operational in Government Medical College, Doda for prevention and management under national Program for Rabies control (NRCP).
The clinic was inaugurated by Principal GMC Doda Dr Dinesh Kumar along with former Principal and Professor Surgeries GMC Doda Dr Tariq Parvez Azad here at Associated Hospital of GMC in a simple but momentous function observing all SOPs of COVID-19. Others who were present in the event are Dr Yunis HOD Medicines, Dr Yudhvir MS Associated Hospital, Dr Suresh Kumar HOD Community Medicines, and Dr Safia Khan HOD Microbiology besides other doctors and staff of Associated Hospital.
This Anti Rabies clinic shall render outpatient services during routine hours in Phase-I. It’s services shall be extended for inpatient management of patients in future who report with confirmed/ suspected rabies.
It will be second centre in Jammu Division apart from GMC Jammu, which will extend animal bite services.
The services will be provided under the Department of community Medicine GMC Doda similar to the arrangements prevalent at GMC Jammu.
It may be noted that Principal GMC Doda was instrumental in introducing intra-dermal pre and post exposure prophylaxis regimen in GMC Jammu way back in 2011-12 and automating the entire record of anti- rabies section at GMC Jammu. In this endeavour, Principal GMC Doda in the capacity of HOD Community Medicine GMC Jammu along with a dedicated team of doctors including present HOD Community Medicine GMC Doda Dr. Suresh K Kotwal, Faculty incharge Dr. Kiran Bala, Medical Officers Dr. Deepika Dewan and Dr. Rama Angurana along with PGs ( all from GMC Jammu) set up the model clinic at GMC Jammu and same will be set up at GMC Doda.
The aim is to ensure zero deaths due to Rabies by 2030 in accordance with WHO target and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India.