*DDC Doda Reviews Progress Under Jal Jeevan Mission* _Directs Concerned officers of line department’s to furnish the accurate data institution wise as per devised format, Sets deadline of one day_
Publish Date : 18/08/2021

Doda, August 18:
In order to ensure 100 percent coverage under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), the District Development Commissioner (DDC) Doda, Vikas Sharma chaired a meeting with sectorial officers of various line departments here yesterday in his office chamber.
The meeting discussed in detail the progress of updation of entries regarding coverage of institutions having tap water facility on the designated portal, besides took first hand appraisal of the progress of JJM works being executed in the district as 100 percent Tap water connection to Schools, Anganwadi Centres and Health Institutions.
The Deputy Commissioner directed the executing agencies to submit the report as per the devised format to his office within one day, besides asked to submit the first three columns given in the format to the Jal Shakti department today itself so that rest of the entries on their end shall be completed in error free manner, besides directed to maintain coordination so that the target shall be achieved on war footing basis.
The DDC directed the concerned to submit the details of their institution being functional in govt or private building in rural areas, besides asked to give the as on date status so that clear assessment shall be made about the requirements at grassroot level.
The DDC also directed the concerned to make minor repair required at the ground level by mobilising their field staff, besides informed that it is priority sector of the higher authorities which requires immediate attention, in addition to this also asked them to work in synergy for 100% achievement as desired by the apex level authorities.
With regard to establishment of Jal Shakti Kendra in the district, the DDC directed the concerned to identify the building on war footing basis which is going to be the resource centre for the department as well as for the general public.
The meeting was attended by CPO Doda, PO ICDS Doda, CEO Doda, CMO Doda, Ex En PHE Doda, Ex Engineer Spl Sub Division Gandoh, besides other officers of executive departments also attended the meeting.