
*DDC Doda reviews the implementation of Jal Shakti Abhiyan in the district* _Calls to Constitute a District Level Monitoring Committee to oversee the implementation_ *Directs all the concerned departments to prepare the inventory list of all water bodies existing in the district to expedite the updation on the portal*

Publish Date : 07/09/2021
Doda, September 06:
The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Doda, Vikas Sharma today chaired the meeting of key officials of various departments here in the mini meeting hall of DC office to review the implementation of flagship program Jal Shakti Abhiyan in the district.
During the meeting threadbare discussion was held with regard to the operational guidelines of the program which includes preparation of the inventory list of all the existing water bodies, updation of the database, Geo tagging, formulation of scientific water conservation plan, besides other key parameters for smooth implementation of the program.
The DDC asked the planning section of DC office to constitute a district level committee to oversee the implementation of the program in the district by keeping all the stakeholders from respective departments part of this forum, besides asked all the concerned departments to prepare the inventory list of all the existing water bodies across the district panchayat wise and village wise, so that they shall be updated on the designated portal.
The DDC directed the designated Nodal officer of the program to ensure the daily monitoring by making coordinated efforts, besides asked to submit the daily report to his office on priority basis with regard to updation and preparation of inventory list.
The DDC further directed the Nodal officer to create a watsapp group of all the members so that updated information and innovative ideas with regard to Jal Shakti Abhiyan shall be shared among the group members, besides daily reporting shall be shared on  the digital platform.
Moreover the DDC directed the concerned stakeholders to construct the Roof top water harvesting structure in their respective offices and give wide publicity of the same so that people across shall be made aware about the benefits of the technique.
The DDC informed the stakeholders to ensure the compliance to the directions so that the next step which is to formulate the scientific water conservation plan for the district shall be taken into account which primarily depends upon the inventory list and data base management.
Meanwhile the DDC also reviews the functioning of the recently established Jal Shakti Kendra in thr district, in this regard the DDC asked all the concerned departments to keep their resource person available in the JSK on the given days of the week, besides asked them to provide additional staff to the Nodal officer so that error free data management shall be ensured.
The meeting was attended by ADDC Doda, CPO Doda, DFO Doda, ACD Doda, Ex PHE, Ex En I&FC, CAO Doda, Representatives of Horticulture and Soil Conservation department, besides other officials from line departments were also present.