*Union MOS for Petroleum, Natural Gas And Labour & Employment, visits Doda; Convenes Public outreach camp* _Distributes LPG connections under Ujjwala-2.O, e-Shram cards among scores of beneficiaries , besides handed over Covid relief cheques to the beneficiaries identified under Atal Bhimit Yojana_ *Also Inaugrates improvement and upgradation of Ghat via Nagri road to double lane status KM 01-04 under CRF*
Publish Date : 22/09/2021

Doda, September 16:
As part of Union Government’s district public outreach programme for Jammu and Kashmir, the Union Minister of State for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Labour & Employment, Shri Rameswar Teli today visited District Doda.
The Union MOS distributed the sanction letters of LPG connections under Ujjwala-2.O, e-Shram cards among scores of beneficiaries and Covid Care relief cheques identified under Atal Bhimit Yojana at Community hall Doda, besides inaugrated the newly widened Ghat road strech of 4km constructed under CRF at an estimated cost of 813 lacs.
While addressing the gathering the Union MOS congratulated all the beneficiaries especially the females that they have got rid from the traditional fuels causing health problems to them and said that now with these LPG facilities their health will not only get better but they shall also feel free.
He further said that the Government of India under the able leadership of Hon’ble PM of India Sh Narendra Modi has taken series of initiatives particularly for the UT of J&K to ensure the over all development of the UT.
All the central ministries are directed by the Hon’ble PM Sh Narendra Modi to make coordinated efforts with regard to UT of JK, so that the tempo of developmental activities shall be paced up, besides to ensure cent percent implementation of the individual benefit schemes for the people of J & K.
During his speech the Union MOS counted numerous developmental and individual benefit measures that his ministry has taken which includes establishment of the hospitals for the working class, laying of gas pipeline, upgradation of schools, creation of De addiction treatment centres, Upgradation of ECIS hospitals, registration of un-organised workers on e -shram portal, sanction of LPG gas connections to the womens of BPL families under Ujjwala-2, besides highlighted numerous developmental interventions which are under pipeline and shall be implemented soon for the people of J&K and entire nation.
The Union MOS during his speech directed all the Oil companies to ensure that no family shall be left out without LPG facilities, in addition to this to register all the unorganised workers on e-shram portal, besides asked the locals to submit the applications for the sanctioning of Petrol pumps as per the required specifications.
The Commissioner Secretary to the Govt of UT of J&K Sarita Chouhan spoke in length about the labour and employment schemes, besides ED IOCL also throw light on the various individual benefit schemes of GOI and Petroleum and Natural Gas ministry.
The welcome adress was presented by DC Doda Vikas Sharma, besides Vote of thanks was given by the ADDC Doda.
Besides, minister also interacted with various deputations which include DDC members, Block development council Chairpersons, MC chairman & members, Sarpanchs/ Panches, recently constituted Youth Clubs, Women SHGs and BJP district president with other party members. The deputations which met with the minister projected various demands of public importance to which minister gave patient hearing. The demands include construction of labour Sarai at Doda, Solar lights and solar plant for rural areas, engagement of local unemployment youth in local hydroelectric and highway projects, creation of world class tourism infrastructure, construction of DDC Chairperson’s office, setting up of Driving training institute at Doda, setting of training and capacity building institute for PRIs at Doda, staff and building for ALC office at Doda, construction of lift irrigation schemes from Chinab River, setting more gas and petrol out lets at Doda, construction of Chenab Bhwan at Doda, packages/ schemes for unemployed youth, setting up of libraries and dispensaries at Panchayat level etc. He appreciated the Women SHG which met him and showcased their hand made products. He directed the district administration to extend helping hand to the SHG women so that they can be role model for other SHGs in UT.
To other demands he ensured that the demands shall be projected to the concerned departments and it shall be ensured that genuine demands are addressed on priority.
Among others present are DDC Chairperson Doda Dhananter Singh Kotwal, Commissioner Secretary L&E department Govt of Jk Ms Sarita Chouhan, PS to Union MOS Varendra Mittal, DC Doda Vikas Sharma, SSP Doda Mumtaz Ahmed, ED IOCL, besides DDC members, BDC Chairpersons,MC President Doda, besides other officers and beneficiaries were also present.