*DC Doda reviews vaccination status of above 18 years in the district* _Directs BMOs to pull up their vaccination teams to vaccinate their pending targetted population on mission mode_
Publish Date : 04/10/2021

Doda, September 28:
Deputy Commissioner (DC) Doda,Vikas Sharma today chaired the meeting of key Officials of health department here in the DC office to review the status of ongoing vaccination drive of above 18 years in the district.
During the meeting the DC reviewed the block wise progress, besides took stock of the data which is pending to be uploaded on the dedicated portal, in addition to this reviewed other issues being faced by the concerned while conducting the vaccination in their respective blocks.
The DC directed the BMOs of the blocks who are having percentage more than 90% in terms of first dose to vaccinate their pending targetted population in their respective blocks, besides asked them to update their backlog data on the dedicated portal.
With regard to low performing blocks the DC directed the concerned to mobilise their field staff to expedite their vaccination on mission mode so that the district shall achieved the 100% before the deadline, besides directed the CEO to give dedicated additional man power to the BMOs so that the backlog entries shall be updated on the designated portal.
In addition to this the DC also directed the BMOs to expedite the due second dose in their respective areas as the same is going to be top priority of the higher authorities in the upcoming days.
Meanwhile the DC also assessed the audit report of the Bio Medical equipments which are available in the health institutions in the district.
The DC directed the CMO to submit the complete list of important equipments which includes CT scan, USG machines, X Ray machines, Oxygen Concentrators, Ventilators, besides the list of trained staff available in the district to run these equipments to his office, so that a comprehensive framework shall be made at the district level and all these machines are put into use.
The meeting was attended by ADDC Doda, CMO Doda, All BMOs, District Epidemiologist, besides other officials of health department.