*DDC Doda reviews tendering status of Capex works and Coverage of health institutions under JJM* _Directs concerned to complete the estimation of pending works,Ask REW to speed up the allotment on mission mode_
Publish Date : 04/10/2021

Doda, September 29:
District Development Commissioner (DDC) Doda,Vikas Sharma today chaired the meeting of key Officials of various line departments including executing agencies to review the progress of tendering process of Capex works approved under PRI grants, besides took stock of the coverage of uncovered health institutions under JJM.
During the meeting the DDC enquired about the number of works which are tendered out of the total approved works, estimation done, number of works alloted and number of works accorded administrative approval.
It has been informed to the DDC that out of 1421 works, 1266 estimates have been technically checked, besides 1191 works have been accorded Adminstrative approval,in addition to this only 62 estimates are pending which will be done in one or two days for which the DDC directed the ACD to complete the estimation on war footing basis.
While reviewing the department wise tendering status the DDC directed Ex En PHE Gandoh for to check and enhance the performance upto desired level on tendering of works, besides cautioned the others to tender their pending works in speedy manner so that they shall be allotted timely and execution shall be started on war footing basis.
With regard to the direction of last review meeting in terms of non feasible works pertaining to PDD, the Ex en informed the DDC that around 70 works stands handed over to the RDD approved under PRI grants for further course of action.
The DDC directed the ACD to submit the list of works which are taken up as replacement, besides asked the concerned to project all the works as replacement only after the approval from the concerned stakeholders to avoid any hussle in the future during tendering or execution.
With regard to coverage of health institutions under JJM,the Ex En PHE Doda informed the DDC that the uncovered institutions were tendered almost thrice and are not alloted till date due to poor response, for which the DDC directed the concerned to write a letter highlighting the issue to his higher authorities so that he shall be guided to initiate the process.
The meeting was attended by CPO Doda, ACD Doda, EX en PDD, EX en REW, EX en PHE Doda & Gandoh, CMO Doda, besides AEEs were also present.