*DDC Doda Visits last spot of the district, Kaljugasar, Met various deputations,Youth Clubs listens to their grievances* Directed for early execution of Jugasar road and asked XEN PMGSY to submit its PERT chart for daily monitoring. _Inspected the completion status of the mega projects GDC kilhotran and CHC Gandoh, directs executing agencies to complete the finishing on mission mode_
Publish Date : 04/10/2021

Doda, October 03:
District Development Commissioner (DDC) Doda,Vikas Sharma, yesterday visited the last spot of the district Kaljugasar in Gandoh Sin Division, in order to take stock of the developmental scenario, besides to listen the grievances of the locals living in the far off area of the Sub Division.
The DDC first visited the under finishing mega projects of the area which includes GDC Kilhotran and CHC Gandoh wherein he inspected ongoing work of Oxygen Generation plant at Gandoh. He also inspected the finishing work of the CHC and the Degree college and directed the executive agencies to complete the pending minor finishing works on war footing basis so that they shall be put into use for the locals of the area.
At both the venues the DDC administered the Swatchta pledge to the staff members, Students and PRI members, besides flagged off the rally and felicitated the students of GDC Kilhotran who are judged as meritorious under various different events organised under Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav.
At Dak Bungalow Changa the DDC met various deputations which includes PRI members,Youth Clubs, DDC members and others and listened to their grievances patiently and assured them that all their genuine demands shall be addressed by the concerned authorities with utmost priority. He directed for early execution of Jugasar road and asked XEN PMGSY to submit its PERT chart for daily monitoring
The DDC also directed the local administration to avail the services of the newly formed Youth Clubs of the area for the mass awareness of the schemes, besides their capacity building will also be done accordingly.
During the tour the DDC also inspected the various ongoing developmental works of the area which includes construction of the roads, macdamisation etc.and directed the concerned to ensure quality and transparency during the execution.
In addition to this the locals also raised the demand of staff placement for the CHC Gandoh, Construction of Changa to Bal Padri road, BT of Gandoh Jai road, besides other road issues for which the DDC directed the concerned to adress the issues on priority basis and to submit the compliance report.
Among others accompanied the DDC are DDC member Chilli, SDM Gandoh, CMO Doda, Ex En PWD, Tehsildar Gandoh, SDPO Gandoh, besides other officers and PRI members.