*ICDS Project Bhaderwah held online Education Cum Guidance Session for Beneficiaries.*
Publish Date : 20/10/2021

Bhaderwah, October 13,
Sh.Rakesh Kumar ADC Bhaderwah and Mtr. Shahida Parveen District Programme Officer ICDS Doda inaugurated the operating of Online Education Cum Guidance Sessions/Classes for ICDS Beneficiaries in the premises of ICDS Project Bhaderwah.
On this occasion Sh.Mohit Bharti CDPO Bhaderwah informed that because of COVID-19, the routine functioning of AWCs was paralised for almost last two years. After having threadbare discussion and sharing of expertise, the training cum trails were conducted regarding operating of online classes by AWW’s through their Smart Phones (Provided by ICDS Deptt.)
He further stated that the benefits of these online classes/sessions would be gained by little children upto 6year’s/Pregnant Ladies/Lactating Mother’s/ Adolescent girls. The main sessions would include Language, Culture, Algebra, Hygiene, Health Checkup, Health Guidance, GK etc. This will motivate the people to enroll their children below 6year of age in AWCs get benefit of preschool education and Health/Hygiene guidance available at their door Steps. And this will also cover the main service i.e; preschool education for ICDS beneficiaries.
It is pertinent to mention that the operating online classes for ICDS Beneficiaries is one of its first and unqiue initiative started by ICDS Project Bhaderwah in the Union territory of J&K.
This initiative was Widely hailed and appreciated by the elite society and the parents/gurdiance of the children present on the occassion.