*Awareness programme on World Iodine Deficiency Day held in Doda*
Publish Date : 03/11/2021

DODA, OCTOBER 22: In connection with the celebration of Global Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day, the NCD Cell of Department of Health, Doda today organized an awareness programme at ANMT School Doda.
Chief Medical Officer Doda Dr Mohd Yaqoob Mir inaugurated the awareness programme which was attended by the Medical Suptd GMC Doda Dr Yudhvir Singh Kotwal, Health Educator Mohd Stafi Attu, Incharge NCD Cell Mohd Faheem Butt besides staff and students of ANMT School Doda.
During the course of the awareness programme, the CMO Doda Dr Mir enlightened the participants in detail about the signs, symptoms, causes, and prevention and danger signs of Iodine Deficiency Disorder.
The participants were also informed in detail the requirement of iodine intake in food for normal growth and development of humans and how its deficiency in the body may lead to serious illnesses which can start before birth, jeopardize children’s mental health and often their very survival. It was also informed that serious deficiency of iodine during pregnancy can result in stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, congenital abnormalities like cretinism and mental retardation.
It was stressed that to prevent iodine deficiency sources of Iodine like milk, meat, eggs, cereals, grains, salt, vegetables and fruits etc should be included in daily diet in adequate quantity.
Pertinently, World Iodine Deficiency Day or Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day is observed every year on 21st October. The aim of this day is to generate awareness of the adequate use of iodine and to highlight the consequences of iodine deficiency.