*DDC Doda reviews estimation, DPR formulation of plans for Cluster Tribal Villages and tourist villages* _Sets deadline of tommorrow for the completion of all pending Estimates & DPRs for Tribal villages plan, Asks CEO BDA to come up with holistic plan after consultation with all stake holders on tourist villages_
Publish Date : 27/11/2021

Doda, November 25:
For the effective and timely execution of plans for Cluster Tribal Villages and tourist villages, DDC Doda Vikas Sharma today chaired the meeting of all stakeholders and officers of various line departments here in his chamber of DC office Doda.
During the meeting threadbare discussion was held with regard to number of DPR framed, submitted, pending for submission department wise, besides also reviewed other bottlenecks if any.
While taking the department wise review on tribal villages plan the DDC took strong cognisance of the zero progress of education department with regard to submission of DPRs and asked for the explanation from the CEO Doda, besides asked all the concerned to submit the pending DPRs by tomorrow evening positively.
With regard to three road works pertaining to forest department, the DDC asked the PWD department to submit the estimation/DPR to the concerned department so that they shall issue NOC, besides asked the concerned stakeholders of the areas to keep other additional works of priority ready in addition to the works fixed in the plan so that if they are not executed, the additional works shall be taken into account.
On tourist villages plan the CEO BDA was directed to convene a meeting of key officials and bring out the tourist villages plan which shall reflect the holistic development of the villages and all parameters required for a tourist destination.
The DDC informed all the heads of the concerned line departments to ensure that all the necessary directions are complianced so that a composite DPR shall be submitted to the respective department for the allotment of funds.
The meeting was attended by BDC Chairperson Bhaderwah, ADC Doda, CPO Doda, CEO BDA, ACD Doda, Ex En PDD, Ex En Irrigation, Ex En PHE, DPEO Doda, AD Employment, BDO Bhaderwah, AD Planning, besides PRI members of concerned areas and other officers of line departments were also present.