*Director Horticulture Jammu inaugurated Plantation Drive and Mega awareness Camp in Doda.*
Publish Date : 27/11/2021

Doda, November 14. Director Horticulture Jammu Sh. Ram Sevak today inaugurated plantation Drive at Pyrote and Assar in Doda and planted sampling of Lime in the field of Dev Raj and Atal Kumar under High Density CAPEX scheme in presence of R. K. kotwal Chief Horticulture officer Doda. The programme was also attended by District Horticulture Officer Shakeel Ahmed Manager Cum Chemist Bhaderwah B.B Pangotra Horticulture Dev. Officer of all the Blocks and field staff. Director Horticulture Jammu also inaugurated the Mega awareness camp at Ramghar Assar where more than 200 farmers/ Orchardist attended the public awareness camp.
The Block Developmen council chairpersons a Assar Ms Sulkhshna Devi, BDC Chairperson Kashtighar Jb Abdul Ghani Bhatt and sarpanches panches of different panchayat were also present on the occasion. At the outset Director Horticulture explained the different developmental schemes and discussed the incentives being provided to the Orchardist for upliftment of the socioeconomy of the farmers. He said that the District is having great potential of Horticultue which must be tapped. He appealed the PRI and field functionaries to work in tandem for doubling the farmers income with special focus on Area expansion and Establishment of Solar Driers and processing Unit. Chief Horticulture officer Doda during his addresss ask the farmers to come forward and avail the benefit of various Dev. Schemes .He also addressed various technical issues of the farmers related to their fruit crops. District Horticulture officer in his addresses also apprise the farmer. Manager cum Chemist Bhaderwah requested the farmers to come forward for establishment of Food processing unit and Training programme for value addition of their produce to harness the better price of their produce. During the programme PRIs of different panchayats highlighted various issues of their panchayat. The Director gave patient hearing of the demands and assured them to be completed in time bound manner.