*Doda Admin retrieves 122 Kanal govt land at Pranoo, Bhella & Bhallessa*
Publish Date : 27/11/2021

On the directions of Deputy Commissioner, Doda Vikas Sharma, revenue team comprising of Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar, Girdawar, Patwari , Chowkidar and Lambardar visited at village kundla (kharsa number 185) & retrieved 30 kanal 11 Marla of land which was in illegal possession of adjoining people.
The retrieved land was handed over to lambardar and chowkidar with the instructions to prohibit people from further interference on state land and inform immediately regarding encroachment, if any in future.
At village Fangota Niabat Pranoo of Tehsil Doda revenue authorities Retrieved 38 kanals 09 Marla of illegally occupied State Land out of which 18 kanals was Roshini land (Khasra no. 98). Also on the spot concerned Officer and officials found an illegal construction being executed which was stopped and also seized 04 construction tools from the illegal encroacher and warned them of further execution. The team also demolished one temporary shed in the same khasra number.
At Village Kahiljugasar of Tehsil Bhallessa 20 kanal state land retrieved by revenue team and at village Thalella of Tehsil Bhella 12 Kanals of Govt land including 02 Kanals under Roshi Act was retrieved