*SDM Gandoh inspected the progress of ongoing work of PMGSY bridge on Gurekhra-Chanser road* _Directs PMGSY Officials to complete the work in speedy manner_
Publish Date : 03/11/2021

Doda, October 31:
Sub Divisional Magistrate Gandoh Dr Pritam Lal Thapa today visited the remote area of the sub division, wherein the SDM inspected the progress of the ongoing work of bridge on Gurekhra-Chanser road under implementation of PMGSY department.
During the inspection the SDM directed the concerned authorities of the executing agency to complete the work of the bridge in speedy manner so that it shall be thrown open for the use of the people living in this far flung area of the sub division.
The SDM informed them that this bridge is critical a demand of the people of this area and it should be completed on fastrack basis well in advance of the snowy season.