*CHO Doda inaugrates One Month training program in the Art of Fruits and Vegetables Preservation at Khaleni* _Around 50 women will be trained during the training program_
Publish Date : 04/12/2021

Doda, December 03:
Chief Horticulture officer Doda, Rakesh Kotwal inaugurated 3rd Batch of One month Training programme at Khellani Doda today in which the Manager cum Chemist from Bhaderwah B.B. Pangotra and other officials of the Department participated.
The programme was attended by more than 50 women. Speaking on the occasion the Manager Bhaderwah emphasized on reducing the post harvest losses by having different value added products.
The Chief Horticulture officer Doda asked the participant to make the training fruitful and get maximum benefit of the program he briefed about different fruit processing schemes especially under CAPEX BUDGET for establishmentof processing /drying units. The schemes does provide employment and self independent to the entrepreneurs,he added.
The local thanks the department for organizing the programme and asked them to continue the same efforts to train the other people especially women of other far off places.