*DC Doda discusses modalities for disbursement of Ex Gratia amount to NOKs of deceased by Covid-19.* _133 deaths reported till date in the district, Web page designed for recieving online application._ *Tehsildars to ensure 100% reachout to families of the deceased by tomorrow.*
Publish Date : 17/12/2021

Doda, December 6: Deputy Commissioner Doda Vikas Sharma today chaired a meeting of the Health and Revenue Officials to discuss the mode of disbursement of ex-gratia assistance of Rs 50,000 to next of kins of the deceased by Covid-19.
It is pertinent to mention here that J&K Administration has accorded sanction for an ex-gratia assistance of Rs 50,000 to next of kins of the deceased by Covid-19 and all deputy commissioners have been asked to design Web page for online applications from the NOKs of deceased by Covid-19.
It was given out by CMO Doda that total of 133 deaths have been reported in the district due to Covid-19 till date. It was also informed that almost all the families of the deceased have been approached telephonically and have been made aware of paper formalities for filling online application form to get the Ex gratia amount.
It was further informed that Web page has been designed by the NIC Doda and the applicant can login at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKeOP79tC-j36Ajdyt7LUUDUvJERymnjZSCMi08iuAHRc3HQ/viewform
for filling online application.
The applicant needs death due to Covid-19 certificate, legal hair certificate, ADHAAR number, Bank Account number linked with ADHAAR and photograph to submit his application.
DC has directed to constitute a committee headed by additional deputy commissioner Doda for redressal to any grievances with regard to the certification of the Covid death. He has also directed all the Tehsildars to reach out to the families of deceased due to Covid-19 by tomorrow and aware them of the government initiative for their welfare. He also directed the revenue and health officials for handholding of the applicants in getting various documents required for filling online application form.
The meeting was attended by ADC Doda, ADC Bhaderwah, ACR Doda, ACP/ SDM Gandoh, SDM Assar, CMO Doda, AO, DIO, Tehsildar Doda, Tehsildar HQ, Tehsildar Bhella and other officials of health and Revenue department.