GDC Doda organized Convocation/Certificate Distribution ceremony of UGC-NSQF Skill courses

Doda, December 09; Department of Zoology Govt. Degree College Doda organized Convocation/Certificate Distribution ceremony of UGC-NSQF Skill courses in Poultry Farming, Apiculture and Dairy Farming on today. DDC Doda Vikas Sharma graced the occasion as Chief guest and Prof. Z A Hashmi as Guest of Honor. The program began with the welcome cum introductory speech by Dr Ajaz A Wani Head Dept. of Zoology GDC Doda and Coordinator UGC-National Skill Qualifications Framework (UGC-NSQF) Skill courses GDC Doda. About 50 students got awarded with certificates as the first batch ever in the Jammu division colleges to get skill course certificates from National Skill Council of India. Chief Guest in his presidential address congratulated the Dept. of Zoology for organizing this wonderful convocation/certificate distribution Ceremony of skill courses particualrly at the time when recently announced New National Education Policy is Focusing at skill development for meeting the present challenges of society and national economy. Guest of Honor Prof. Z A Hashmi also spoke on the occasion and stressed that students are the future and they should implement the Sustainable Development Goals announced UNICEF with the idea of acting locally and thinking globally. Principal GDC Doda Dr Attar Singh Kotwal also addressed the audience in which he thanked the chief guest and guest of honor for sparing their valuble times for this important program and he emphasised upon active shift in thinking of youth from employement seeking to employment giving by becoming skillful through such certificate courses and exploring new ventures of skills demanded by society. Whole program was coordinated by Mr Imteyaz Ahmed Astt. Prof. Dept. of Zoology GDC Doda. Many faculty members were present on the occasion namely Prof. Babu Ram, Dr Akhter Hussain, Dr Imtiaz Ahmed, Dr Anayatullah Wani, Prof. Ashraf, Prof. Zain Banday, Prof. Zain Butt, Dr Maunish Thakur, Dr Uzma Sehrish and others. Program ended with the Vote of thanks by Dr Munish Thakur, Dept. of Zoology GDC Doda