*Gujjar Bakarwal community remembers the services of late Manzoor Hussain Gulshan on his second death anniversary*
Publish Date : 17/12/2021

Doda, December 15;
The students of late Manzoor Hussain Gulshan and the Gujjar and bakarwal community organised a grand function to commemorate the services of late Manzoor Hussain Gulshan, the ex warden of Gujjar and bakarwal Hostel Doda and a great scholar and educationist.
This function was particularly arranged by the students of late Manzoor Hussain Gulshan and his other wellwishers for his social, educational, literary, and his extra ordinary efforts for the upliftment and progress of this down trodden community in the erstwhile District Doda.
Late Manzoor Hussain Gulshan has worked in Doda since 1986 to 1998. He worked out tirelessly to draw out the community from darkness and paved the way for progress by rendering his services in the the span of twelve years, said Din Mohd Affaqi KAS, a student of late teacher and scholar Gulshan. He is the real hero and icon for the gujjar community of the erstwhile District Doda, said John Mohd Hakeem in the function. Many papers were read by the writers who remained the students in the golden period of late Gulshan sahib.The poets also recited their poetry to honour the great scholar.The speakers throw light on the different dimensions of his personality.They said that had he not been in the Hostel the community would have not been so educated as many of his students are on higher posts and others are employed in different Departments. It was decided to organise this function every year on this day.
The programme was presided over by Dr Imtiyaz where as renouned writer of Doda Mushtaq Faridi was the chief guest.The others who read out the papers and participated were Ch Din Mohd Affaqi (KAS), Ch Shabir Ahmed ( KAS) Khakan Sajad, Khuda Bakash khayali, Mohd Hanief Kohli, Qayoom Betaab, Master Noor Mohammad, Abdal Karim Gorsi, SI Shakeel Ahmed, Fareed Shaheen, Ali Hussain kandal, Mohd Hussain Chaichi, Noor Mohd JE, Mohd Shafi Surazi, Rafiq Masroof, Bagh Hussain Shabnam,Talib Hussain vlw, Mohd Issa vlw, molvi Noor Hussain, Master Mir Qasim, Ali Mohammad Mehtab, master Sakander, Mohd Yaseen and others.The people of community from chhatroo to Bhaderwah and Bharth Doda participated.
Ch John Mohd Hakeem acted as stage secretary. Ch Din Mohd Affaqi among other guests gave away the Gulshan Achivement Award among the meritorious students of the District. It was also decided to give away such award to the students every year, who have extra ordinary achivements in the different realms of life.The Anjaman e Tarraqi Gojri Adab Doda extended the cooperation.