Higher Secondary School renamed as Captain Sanjay Arya Memorial Higher Secondary School, Kilhotran.
Publish Date : 24/12/2021

Gandoh December 19;
Higher Secondary School Kilhotran is known for its history. This school has produced not only international level leaders but also international level players,
Today the name of this historic school was changed to Captain Sanjay Arya Memorial Higher Secondary School Kilotaran, let us tell you that Captain Sanjay Arya was a resident of this land Sivli who gave his martyrdom for the country in 2004, on this occasion parents of Shaheed Sanjay had arrived from Jammu, by whose auspicious hands the name of this Higher Secondary was changed.
Especially in this special program, DDC President Doda Dhananter Singh Kotwal, DDC Counselor Nadeem Sharif Niaz, BDC President Changa Mohammad Abbas Rather, Sarpanch Mahatam Singh Kotwal, Sarpanch Safkat Rather and other ‘distinguished panches’ of the area were also present.
The whole program was organized by Brijesh Katal, Principal of the Higher Secondary School Kilhtran, in which all the teachers enthusiastically participated, he warmly welcomed all the guests and parents of Sanjay Arya. Pradeep kotwal Arya escort teacher also played an important role in making the event successful .
On the occasion Gandoh administration also played an important role in organizing this entire program, in which SDM Gondoh Ashfaq Ahmad Khanday, Tehsildar Irshad Ahmed Sheikh and SHO Gandoh Vikram Singh were on fore front in organising this program.
On this occasion the parents of Sanjay Aarey expressed happiness with moist eyes and appealed through media that they want to put a statue of their martyr son in this Higher Secondary School in the coming time for which they hope The administration and Gandoh Administration even allowed them to do this.
On this occasion, the SDM Gandoh who had spent some moments of his life with Sanjay Arya also remembered the 3 years of Sanjay Arya’s college in which he studied with him.
He said that Sanjay Arya was a very gentle and heartfelt person and already had the feeling of dieing for the country.