_Weekly Block Diwas held at designated places across the district_ _DC Doda inspects block diwas proceedings at Community hall, directs all line departments to remain available in the program for the grievance redressal of the people, Also felicitated the newly appointed Class IV candidates of GMC Doda_
Publish Date : 10/01/2022

Doda, December 29:
The District Administration Doda held weekly Block Diwas proceedings at the designated places of the district to redress the public grievances and to provide varied services.
The entire program was held under the supervision of District Development Commissioner (DDC) Vikas Sharma.
The teams of Different departments along with the frontline field functionaries delivered varied service to the people and listened to their grievances.
As many as 69 grievances/applications were received during the program, out of which 65 feasible greivances were redressed by the officers/officials of respective departments on the spot and rest were sent to the concerned quarters for time bound redressal, besides several services which includes 14 category certificates, 79 Domicile certificates, besides 26 different revenue papers and 07 birth certificates were provided to the people on spot during the day long program held across the district at already designated locations which includes Bhaderwah, Sub division Gandoh, Subdivision Assar, Subdivision Thathri and at headquarter Doda.
Moreover six number of ration cards of beneficiaries were seeded on spot, ten families have been covered under Ayushman Bharat scheme and seven beneficiaries have been enrolled under ISSS pension scheme, besides five KCC cards were issued to the beneficiaries during the program.
Further it is pertinent to mention here that around 49 works under 14th FC, MGNREGA, Capex, CSS etc have been approved, 215 have been started on ground and 100 works have been completed today across the district, besides under Aapki Zameen Aapki Nigrani Program 7107 people have been shown their land records online during block diwas and six encroachments have been retrieved by the authorities today.
Further under Yogyata Se Rozgar 193 Class IV candidates have been felicitated, 55959 households have been provided tap water connection under JJM, 2552 persons have been provided sanction under self employment schemes, besides around 60454 saplings have been planted under Har Gaon Haryali and around 46127 households have been covered under Har Ghar Dastak program.
Meanwhile the DDC inspected the proceedings of Block Diwas at Community hall Doda wherein the DDC handed over the certificates to the newly appointed Class IV candidates of GMC Doda, and also directed all the line departments strictly to remain present during the entire day for the general public in order to adress their genuine grievances and prompt service delivery.