*DDC Doda chairs meeting of Youth Clubs Mentors, reviews functioning and achievements* _Directs to lay special focus on panchayats having low sponsorship of self employment cases_
Publish Date : 10/01/2022

Doda, January 07:
District Development Commissioner Doda Vikas Sharma today chaired the meeting of designated Mentors of Youth Clubs here at conference hall of DC office complex.
During the meeting DDC enquired from the Mentors about the number of meetings and awareness programs conducted in their respective areas in coordination with the Youth Clubs, composition of the youth clubs and whether these youth clubs are constituted as per the guideline, number of youth motivated during the awareness camps to avail benefits under different Self employment schemes, cases sponsored, cases sanctioned and disbursed, besides also listened to the issues of the mentors.
The DDC while speaking to the mentors asked them to scale up their activities in their alloted areas so that real mandate of the initiative shall be fulfilled in letter and spirit, besides directed them to give special focus in those Panchayats which have low sponsorship of self employment cases.
The DDC also directed them to link the youth clubs and other unemployed youth of their areas with different institutions providing skilled trainings, besides asked them to pay a visit to the self employment units already functioning in their areas for having clear understanding about their achievements and other requirements.
The DDC asked them to work tirelessly in the direction of achieving the aims and objectives of the district level initiative for smooth implementation of the ambitious program of the UT Govt, besides directs the Nodal officer to devise a format highlighting key indicators with respect to the performance of each mentor on weekly basis.
Further the DDC directed the sponsoring agencies to aim for higher target with regard to the sponsoring of the self employment cases especially in the rural areas, besides asked each of the agency to ensure that minimum target fixed of sanctioning is achieved in each panchayat across the district.