*Mentor Secretary Youth Club Khaleni panchayat organises awareness program for the unemployed youth* _Highlighted various self employment schemes under implementation of DIC & Mission Youth program_
Publish Date : 10/01/2022

Doda, December 30:
On the directions of District Development Commissioner Doda Vikas Sharma ,Mentor Secretary Panchayat Khalleni/BDO Bhalla Phulail Singh Kas in collaboration with Functional Manager DIC Doda organized awareness programme under Mission youth and other self employment schemes in panchayat Khalleni Block Bhalla.
The programme was attended by Sarpanch Khalleni ,Panches and youth of the panchayat.
During the program, the youth were made awared about the “Mission Youth” initiative of the government.All the components of mission youth,other self employment schemes under implementation of various departments /Nasha Mukth Abhyan were also explained by the Mentor Secretary .
Functional Manager DIC Doda Amresh Kotwal explained the self employment schemes of DIC and Khadi and village Indurtries like PMEGP /JKREGP to the participating youth.
Moreover during the camp Ten willing youth were identified for mapping with the concerned agencies for seeking self employment assistance.
It is pertinent to mention here that District Devlopment Commisioner Doda Sh Vikas Sharma has appointed Mentor Secretary for each panchayat for helping the youth to be made awared under various schemes of different Departments for maximum benefits.