*AH department Doda conducts awareness session of BDC chairpersons & DDC members.* _Dhananter Singh Chairman DDC presided over the sesson._
Publish Date : 15/02/2022

Doda, February 10; In pursuance of the directions from Director Animal Husbandry Jammu Dr Sagar D Doifode, an Awareness camp/ interactive meeting was held today with the District Development Council Councilors and Block Development Council Chairpersons under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Distt. Development
Council Chairman Sh. Dhananter Singh in the conference hall of Deputy Commissioner Office today.
The programme was organized in collaboration wit the extension wing of Directorate Animal Husbandry Jammu. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sen Chief Animal Husbandry Officer Doda presented well come address and with full deliberations of various departmental activities going on in the District.
During the interactive session, the points of discussion were IDDS/ IPDP /NAIP / NADCP /NLM. Special thurst was given to establish cluster villages (Milk Villages) in various rural blocks of the district.
Poultry Development Officer Doda Dr. Akhter Hussain presented a general view of the poultry production scenario in the District and explained the IPDP / NLM, Backyard poultry, and commercial broiler production in District and future plan of action. Director Animal Husbandry Jammu addressed the meeting through google Meet and had comprehensive deliberations on Dairy Development in the District. The Director showed his concerns for Dairy development in particular reference to the District Doda.
Various honourable Councilors spoke at the occasion and pointed out the deficiency of staff at veterinary centres in villages.
The speakers hailed the working of the department and laid stress to encourage backyard poultry in Bhalessa and other far-off places.
Honourable Chairman, while interacting with the honourable Councillors, explained in detail the achievements of the department and applauded the role of CAHO Doda and his team for remarkable Public Delivery System and Achievement thereof.