*Childline Doda Celebrated National Girl Child Day at Bhalla*
Publish Date : 15/02/2022

DODA, JANUARY 25:- As we know in every year on 24th of January observed all over India as “National Girl Child Day”. It was initiated in 2008 by the ministry of Women & Child Development Government of India.
Yesterday Childline Doda Celebrated National Girl Child Day in collaboration with Mahila Shakti Kendra Doda and SAKHI ONE STOP CENTER at Village Shangroo Block Bhalla events first is special outreach campaign and second is Awareness programme.
In special outreach campaign Childline team visited the village Shangroo and aware local people and children about 1098 awareness about the right of the girl child.
Childline Doda team also enlighten everyone about the girl child childline Doda asked all to spread awareness about COVID-19 (Third Wave) appropriate behaviour through SMS
After special outreach campaign Childline Doda organised an awareness programme on “National Girl Child Day” The main objective of the programme was to awarded girls about their own rights. Childline team Team and Sakhi team interacted with the adolescents girls.