*Hirdesh Kumar reviews the developmental scenario at Doda* _Directs all executing departments to complete all the ongoing works both physically and financially before the end of the financial year. Proposal sought for Regional Driving training cum fitness institute_
Publish Date : 15/02/2022

Doda, February 11:
Cheif Electoral Officer J&K and Commissioner/ Secretary to Government, Transport Department UT of J&K Hirdesh Kumar who is also Incharge Administrative Secretary for Doda district, today visited the district and took stock of the developmental scenario, besides reviewed the implementation of the directions of previous meeting, at Assar.
The incharge Administrative Secretary at the outset conveyed his appreciation for the encouraging result in the District Good Governance Index and asked all the departments to continue working with same motivation in the direction of the overall development of the district.
During the meeting the DDC Doda Vikas Sharma apprised the chair about the previous meeting directions-sector and department wise including the action taken by all the concerned departments. Further, he informed the chair about other achievements and issues/requirements that needs immediate attention.
While discussing the progress of Area Development Plan the DDC Doda apprised the chair that around 1807 works have been tendered till date out of which 90 percent works are targeted be completed by the end of the March and rest are stated to be completed under the next plan.
In this regard the chair directed the concerned departments to submit details of works supposed to be completed dueing this financial year as as alao in the next year, so that accordingly monitoring shall be initiated for timely completion.
With regard to Gandoh hospital the CMO informed the chair that by the end of this month the hospital shall be shifted into new building, besides incharge secretary asked CMO to submit the details of manpower, machinery, furniture required for the full operationalization of the institution to his office through DC so that the matter shall be taken to the concerned higher authorities for immediate redressal.
Regarding GMC Doda the chair was apprised by the SE hydraulics that the work of the water supply has been alloted and started, the land for construction of water filtration plant has been given by the authorities, besides regarding the creation of 10MVA RS the LOI has been issued. The chair directed both PHE and PWD to carry out the work on war footing and to submit the progress of civil work of GMC and its allied works, cost escalation if any, besides other issues so that matter shall be brought into the notice of concerned department, in addition to this the chair asked the DC to submit work done and present physical and financial status of Polytechnic College.
Under RDD sector the DDC apprised the chair that in timely payment indicator the district has witness a quantitative jump from 49 percent in the last year to 78 percent however it shall requires further enhancement and action is being initiated against defaulters, besides he informed the chair about the material payment liability of three years and 14th FC pending 2nd installment.
Moreover the DDC informed the chair that regarding verification of the pending material payment liability works, he has constituted fresh Committees at block levels and set the deadline of 15 days for the complete verification process, besides apprised that around 8 thousand PMAY houses have been completed and rest shall be completed by the end of this financial year.
Regarding 14 FC liability the chair directed the ACD to submit list/number of works against which the liability is created, number of works which are incomplete and are having requirement of funds, besides asked him to raise the percentage in Timely payment indicator and to take disciplinary actions against the non performing officials on priority basis.
Regarding PMGSY the chair was informed that out of 180 schemes 101 have been completed and rest 79 are targeted for the completion by Sunset date, for which the chair directed the concerned to submit the list of schemes to be completed this year in addition to this he asked for the number of works projected for next phase their estimation and DPR submission status.
Besides PDD authorities have been directed to submit the list of households/families going to be connected under the ongoing schemes, schemes to be completed this year, besides number of hamlets which are left out not covered under any DPR.
With regard to the construction of the Regional Driving training cum Fitness Institute the chair emphasized to identify a suitable patch of land for the establishment of the significant project, besides asked all executing departments to submit the proposal under road safety measures so that funds shall be made available for the safety and security of the people of the district. He further asked ARTO not to issue permits and cancel the permits of all those vehicles which, are not fit to ply in these hilly roads.
Under JJM the chair directed the SE hydraulics to submit the details of works which are going to be alloted and tendered, besides asked DDC to make project on the district level initiative of “Mentor under Mission Youth” and Self employment generation schemes and their achievements. In addition this the chair directed the CMO to submit the figures of claim raised and disbursed under Ayushman Bharat till date.
Meanwhile the DDC apprised the chair about the other bottlenecks including reorganisation of engineering divisions, filling of critical vaccancies, opening of new bank branches, extension of mobile network connectivity to uncovered areas, road connectivity to the major tourist places, push to the RKK Infrastructure. On these issues the Incharge Secretary asked to submit the detailed proposal to his office for necessary action from the respective departments.
The meeting was attended by Principal GMC Doda, SSP Doda, CPO Doda, SE PWD, SE Hydraulics, SE JPDCL, SDM Assar, ACD Doda, DIO Doda, ARTO Doda, besides, other officers of various departments were also present.