*DC Doda, SPD SAMAGRA Shiksha inaugurate 100 bedded Girls hostels at GHSS (Girls) Doda & GHSS Bhella.*
Publish Date : 20/03/2023

Doda, March 16; Deputy Commissioner Doda Vishesh Mahajan and State Project Director (SPD) SAMAGRA Shiksha J&K Deep Raj Kanethia in presence of SSP Doda Abdul, ADDC Doda Pran Singh, today inaugurated 100 bedded Girls hostel for poor Girls at Government Higher Secondary School (Girls) Doda and at Government Higher Secondary School Bhella.
Each hostel has been established at a cost of Rs 2.91 Crores and shall accommodate 200 poor girls, reducing the girl students drop out after 10th standard, in the district.
Speaking on the occasion, the DC complimented SPD SAMAGRA Shiksha, CEO Doda, and other concerned for their efforts to make the residential hostels functional. He informed that the hostels shall be made operational after 1st April. The hostel mess and laundry shall be outsourced. He further informed that he has asked the concerned to install CCTV cameras and take all measures ensuring safety and security of resident girls.
State Project Director SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, while interacting with media, emphasised that the poor girls from far off places must enroll in these hostels to continue their studies after 12th and to make best possible utilization of time with sincere efforts to achieve their desired career goals. He also assured full support to the institutions and urged the officers concerned to make these institutions best learning places in the district.
Later on SPD, DC and other officers inspected the ongoing training of Seasonal Volunteers (Teachers) at City Middle School Boys Doda.
CEO Doda Prahalad Bhagat, DEPO Doda Ayaz Mughal, Principal DIET Doda Parshotam Kumar Goria, Principal Govt Higher Secondary School Girls Doda (At GHSS Girls Doda), Principal Government Higher Secondary School Bhella (At GHSS Bhella), lectures, teachers, staff and students attended the inaugural functions.