

Filter Who's Who divisions wise


Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Harvinder Singh, IAS District Development Commissioner/District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner deputycommissionerdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 01996233230 D. C. Office Doda, Contact details : 01996-233529 , 01996233230
Vacant Additional District Development Commissioner addcdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 0000000000 ADDC Office C/o D. C. Office Doda
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Harvinder Singh, IAS District Development Commissioner/District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner deputycommissionerdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 01996233230 D. C. Office Doda, Contact details : 01996-233529 , 01996233230
Sudershan Kumar, JKAS Additional Deputy Commissioner Doda adcdoda123[at]gmail[dot]com 9419186793 D. C. Office Doda
Sunil Kumar, JKAS ADC Bhaderwah adcbhadarwah[at]gmail[dot]com 9419258788 ADC Office Bhaderwah
Sunil Kumar Bhutyal JKAS Assistant Commissioner Revenue Doda dodaacr[at]gmail[dot]com 9419175988 D C Office Doda
Ashok Katoch, JKAS SDM Assar assarsdm[at]gmail[dot]com 9596950297 SDM Office Assar
Arun Kumar Badyal, JKAS SDM Gandoh sdmgandoh[at]gmail[dot]com 9018308432 SDM Office Gandoh
Masood Ahmed Bichoo, JKAS SDM Thathri sdmthathri8[at]gmail[dot]com 7780969683 SDM Office Thathri
Kamal Preet Singh, JKAS Tehsildar Bhaderwah 9419169866
Dr. Subuh Ahmed Shad, JKAS Tehsildar Doda 9596288824
Mohd Tahir, JKAS Tehsildar Bhalla 7006628758
Satish Kumar Rana, JKAS Tehsildar, Thathri 7006288352
Gulshan Kumar Tehsildar Chirala 7780909962 Tehsil Office Chirala
Habib Rehman, JKAS Tehsildar, Chilly Pingal 7006070712
Babu Ram Choudhary, JKAS Tehsildar Bhagwah 9419374246 Tehsildar Office Bhagwah
Gulshan Kumar Tehsildar, Addl. charge of Bhella 7780909962
Suman Sharma, JKAS Tehsildar, Kahra. 8492923400
Muneeb Umar, JKAS Tehsildar Gandoh 9419963224 Tehsildar Office Gandoh
Pushpak Saroop, JKAS Tehsildar Kastigarh 7889545110 Tehsildar Office Kastigarh
Satish Kumar Rana, JKAS Tehsildar Addl. charge of Phagsoo 7006288352 Tehsildar Office Phagsoo
Majid Hussain, JKAS Tehsildar Mohalla 7006807063
Ravi Shanker Sharma, JKAS Tehsildar Marmat 9596662293
Nitan Kumar, JKAS Tehsildar Bharat Bagla 9419199489
Pushpak Saroop, JKAS Addl. Charge Tehsildar Assar 7889545110
Pawan Kumar Khullar Tehsildar Gundana 9419176534 Tehsil Office Gundana, Contact details : 7006723822
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Anil Gupta Chief Agriculture Officer agridoda[at]gmail[dot]com 7006554557
Animal Husbandry
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Dr. Mayan Ud Din Gures Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, (CAHO) Doda cahododa[at]gmail[dot]com 9419967280
Area Marketing
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Anaytullah Khanji Area Marketing Officer (AMO), Doda 7006575144
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Col. Yogesh Chouhan C.O. 4 RR 8803506501
Col. Deraj Prasanna C.O 48 RR Suhanda 7889818379
Col. Rahul Katiyar C.O. 10 RR 9596799001
Brij. 9 Sector RR
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sanjeev Bhagat XEN Project wing PDD Doda 9419701980
Tasaduk Hussain XEN PDD/ JPDCL, Batote 9858698334
Er Latif Wani XEN PDD/ JPDCL, Kishtwar 7006042530
Anil Gotum XEN STD Doda xenstddoda[at]gmail[dot]com 7006676304
Neeraj Sharma SE, PDD, Doda/ Kishtwar. sejpdclktr[at]gmail[dot]com 9419108000
Rouf Ahmed Butt XEN EM & RE (PDD) Div, Doda 7780938021
Bhaderwah Development Authority
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Vacant CEO,BDA, Bhaderwah 0000000000 BDA Office Bhaderwah
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Gourav Tiwari OC GREF 118 RCC Kishtwar / Bhalra 9103764503
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Jagdish Singh Assistant commandant 7th BN Khellani, Doda 6005364905
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Vishal Deep Chandan Assistant Registrar, Cooperative Societies Agri. Doda. 7889433960
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Shamis din Xen PWD Thahtri 9419636667
vacant SE. PWD (R&B) Circle Doda.
Mohd Sajad Khan XEN, PWD (R&B) Doda 9419000691 01996-234394
Atta Mohd XEN PWD (R&B) Spl. Sub-Division Gandoh. 9906147680
Rajinder Kumar XEN PWD (R&B) Bhaderwah 9419145428
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Ved Singh I/C XEN PMGSY, Thathri pmgsyxenthathri[at]yahoo[dot]com 9419185243
Vikram Singh Xen PMGSY Doda xenpmgsydoda[at]rediffmail[dot]com 9419126567
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Arun Kumar Singh Commandant 33 Bn. CRPF 9771774455
Jal Shakti
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Er. Jugal Kishore Xen I&FC, Bhaderwah xenifcjmuvdh[at]gmail[dot]com 9419225944
Sandeep Dogra Xen. Ground Water, Jammu/Doda 9419199155
Vacant SE, Hyd. Doda schyd[dot]circledoda[at]gmail[dot]com
Vacant Xen Irr.&FC, Doda irrigationdoda10[at]gmail[dot]com
Jugal kishore XEN Irri & FC Bhaderwah 9419225944
Ashfaq Ahmed Xen. PHE. Addl Charge JSD Doda xenphedivdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 9419136138
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Parkash Thapa Chief Education officer, Doda ceo-doda[at]jk[dot]gov[dot]in 9419112931
Dr. Anis Ahmed DEPO, (Distt. Education Planning Officer) Doda. 7051431032
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Om Parkash, JKAS Deputy District Election Officer, Doda entdoda[at]nic[dot]in 7006216910
Joginder kumar ENT entdoda[at]nic[dot]in 9797416256
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Nasir Ahmad DIO, Doda. information dicdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 9018607556
Technical Education
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Imran Vijhat Superintendent ITI Kishtwar/ Addl. Charge of Bhallessa 9419003155
Ravinder Singh Bhatti Superintendent ITI Bhaderwah/ Doda 9622299318
Ashaq Nabi Principal Polytechnic Khellani 7006981270
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Vacant Dy. Dir. Employment, Doda 01996-233506
Nehal Pandit Addl Charge of AD Employment Doda 9419100075 01996233506
Excise Department
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Maneet Sharma State Tax Officer/ CTO , Doda 6005098180
Virender Excise Taxation Officer, ETO Doda 9852211256
Irrigation & Flood Control ( I&FC)
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Er. Jugal Kishore Xen I&FC, Bhaderwah xenifcjmuvdh[at]gmail[dot]com 9419225944
Sandeep Dogra Xen. Ground Water, Jammu/Doda 9419199155
Food Safety
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Tariq Ahmed Food Safety Officer 9419983841
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Nehal Pandit ALC (Assistant Labour Commissioner) Doda alc[dot]doda2016[at]gmail[dot]com 9419100075
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sunil Kumar DYSSO, Doda. (Distt. Youth Services Sports officer) 9797661655
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Shiekh Enayattullah AD, (FCS&CA) Food Doda abcapdddoda[at]gmail[dot]com 9419091918
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sandeep Kumar Conservator of Forest Doda ddflfjdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 9410987312
Mahesh Thakur Divisional Forest Officer, Doda dfododa14[at]gmail[dot]com 7006891629
Ayoub Khan DFO, Bhaderwah. dfobhaderwah1[at]gmail[dot]com 9419135311
Abhinav Ramrthora DFO Batote 9419145986
Sanjay Kumar Gupta DFO, Social Forestry (SF), Doda. dfosfdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 9419910010
Sanjay Kumar Gupta District Soil Conservation officer Doda 9419910010
Legal Meterology
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Ajay verma Asstt. Controller Legal Metrology 7889436602
Social Welfare
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Shahida Parveen PO, ICDS, Doda 9906077377
Tariq Qazi District Social Welfare Officer Doda (DSWO), Doda. 9858448314 6005660978
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Tarun Sudan, JKAS AD, Handicraft/Handloom Doda 8130918840
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Dr. Moin-ud-din Poultry Development Officer, Doda. pdododa512[at]gmail[dot]com 7889933209
Finance & Planning
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Manish Kumar CPO, Doda cpododa[at]gmail[dot]com 6005814847 DC Office, Doda
Ashfaq Ul Rehman Distt, Statistical Evaluation officer Doda. 7889987894
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Vacant Administrative Officer (AO) GMC , Doda
Dr Rakesh Bahl Principal Govt. Medical College, (GMC) Doda. principalgmcdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 01996233888 Govt. Medical College, (GMC) Doda, Contact details: 7889756475
Dr. Om Kumar Chief Medical Officer, Doda. (CMO) cmododa[at]gmail[dot]com 7006680813
Dr. Tanveer Ahmed Medical Supdt. Distt. Hospital Doda 7889923811
Ajay Tikoo District Ayush Officer, Doda 9419286741
Dr. Farooq Saleem BMO Gandoh 9797475251
Dr. Ashraf Kuchey BMO Bhaderwah 7006469228
Dr. Varsha Sharma BMO Thathri 9419214928
Dr. Gafoor BMO Ghat 6006355403
Dr. Shabir BMO Assar 7006463850
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Manoj Kumar, JKAS ACD Doda 9906398356
Manoj Kumar, JKAS Addl. charge of PO, IWMP Integrated water management Project Doda 9469611656
Musharaf Ali Haf Assitt. Com Panchayat 9596866808
Suraj Singh Jasrotia District Panchayat Officer (DPO) 7298172319
Akshay Parihar BDO Khellani bokhellani121[at]gmail[dot]com 9797416202 BDO, Office Khellani
Akhil Bhau BDO Chirala 9149478840 BDO Office Chirala
Bushan Kumar Addl. Charge of BDO Kahara bdokhara[at]gmail[dot]com 9596745798 BDO Kahara
Bushan Kumar BDO Thathri bdothathri[at]gmail[dot]com 9596745798
Yasir Ahmed Wani BDO Bhaderwah 9596886096 BDO Office Bhaderwah
Ramesh Chander BDO Gundana 7006554308 BDO Office Gundana
Anupam Bhardwaj BDO Dali, Udhyanpur 9797233141
Anup Kumar Addl. Charge BDO Jakyas 7051431228
Gopal Krishna BDO Assar 8082020085 BDO Office Assar
Gurjeet Singh BDO Marmat 9419159079
Ravi Kumar Parihar BDO Ghat Doda 8491881399
Vishal Targotra, JKAS BDO Kastigarh 8803668540
Anup Kumar BDO Chilli-Pingal 7051431228
Sunil Kumar BDO Bhallessa (Gandoh) 7889686910
AKEEL SAJJAD BDO Changa 8492046328
Vishal Targotra, JKAS BDO Bhagwah (Add. Charge ) 8803668540
Himat Kumar Raina BDO Bhalla 7006876755
Sajjad Hussain Shah XEN, REW (Rural Engineering wing) Doda 9906542978
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Joginder Lal AD, Fisheries, Doda. adfdoda[at]gmail[dot]com 9419132128
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sunil Bhat District Sericulture Officer sericulturedoda[at]gmail[dot]com 9419100032
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Pawan Kumar Assistant Floriculture Officer, Doda 9469165432
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Raghu Nath Upadhaya CHO, Chief Horticulture officer, Doda chiefhorticulturedoda[at]gmail[dot]com 7006115456
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Shiekh Enayattullah (JKAS) AD, (FCS &CA) (Food) Doda. 9419091918
Sheep Husbandry
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Dr. Gurjeet Singh District Sheep Husbandry Officer, Doda. dshododa1960[at]gmail[dot]com 9622893252
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
S. Paramjeet Singh, JKAS Addl. Charge of GM DIC, Doda dmododa[at]gmail[dot]com 9419261755
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Tarun Arora XEN Mechanical Division Khellani, Doda/Kishtwar 9419160606
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sunil Manhas District Officer Geology Mining Doda 8803153256
Municipal Committee
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Pankaj Kumar Sharma Addl. charge Executive officer Thathri 9419190869
Ravi Kumar Saini Executive Officer, MC, Bhaderwah 9906078844
Ravi Kumar Parihar Addl. Charge Executive officer Doda 8491881399
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Col. Ajay Thakur GM NHIDCL Doda upto Thathri 7042008933
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Asheesh Kumar Dogra Addl. Charge DIO NIC Doda 9419296849
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Mohan Singh Divisional Officer Pollution Control Board Doda. 9419170920
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sheetal Sharma ARTO, Doda. 9419337635
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
S.Paramjeet Singh (JKAS) District Programme Officer (Poshan), Doda. DPO, ICDS, Doda 9419261755
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sandeep Mehta SSP Doda 9419015665
Ghulam Jeelani Wani Commandant IRP-5th Bn. 9906665903
Akash Kohli Dy. SP DAR 9419243929
Shakeel Rehman Bhat ASP Hqrs. 9797649362
Sunil Kesar SP Operation 9419137999
K.D. Singh Dy. SP Traffic Doda 9419305517
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sandeep Gupta District Mineral Officer, Doda 9419106643
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Sh. Achyut Singh Commandant 7th Bn. SSB Channi Jammu 9419026162
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Mohd Ayub XEN TLMD Udhampur 9419189768
Name Designation Email Phone Fax Address
Lokesh Kumar DTO, Doda. (Distt. Treasury Officer) 9596864020